Our Service Area


Video Gamers Express services the greater Dallas, Texas area, in a 40-mile PRIMARY service area radius from zip code 75189. We also service a SECONDARY area outside of the 40 mile radius, but must add a fuel surcharge fee when traveling to locations within that area.

Areas within the green-shaded circle are within our Primary Service Area and no fuel surcharge will apply.

Areas within the yellow-shaded circle (and even beyond…contact us to see if we can travel to you) are in our Secondary Service Area.

Use this handy application to calculate your distance from us, (please use the “driving distance” rather than the “direct line distance”) then refer to the chart below for the fuel surcharge applicable.

Driving Distance/Fuel Surcharge:

0 – 40 miles: No surcharge
41 – 50 miles: $50 Travel Surcharge
51 – 60 miles: $75 Travel Surcharge
61 – 70 miles: $100 Travel Surcharge
71 – 80 miles: $125 Travel Surcharge

Please contact us if you are beyond this range.


Video Game Trailer Party Fun!